This is the story of Danbo - 1 comic characters in Japanese manga artist Azuma tenKiyohiko. Danbo is made from cardboard robot is first author and funny, Amazon Japan have discovered this unique idea to apply marketing & has achieved great success.
Spend some time with this article, we are sure will make you smile.
One sunny day. This photo will brighten your day, everything Danbo want to do is make you smile.
Breakdance battle. Toys competitions organized when you are not present there.
Carefully home. "Do not worry, the three will help."
I can live with you are not. A touching story from this photograph!
Danbo Crucifixion. "Big D wanted to teach the boys about religion, so he let us see the life of Brian. Once completed, they nailed him to the top of a hill and poked him with a stick ... "
Danbo and Blue Android. Revelations about the partnership between Android and Amazon? It seems it has become a truth, as Amazon's Kindle Fire is powered by Android.
Danbo as Mary and Jesus. "On day nineteen, the 4th advent, the Danbo decision reenact the birth of Jesus"
Danbo's bath time. "Thank goodness duckie, Danbo will not be embarrassed!" - KDT
Hot bath. The bubble of Danbo khan is great!
Busking. Small Danbo try to make money by his musical talent.
Danbo family trip. "Do not be naughty, looking at the camera out!"
Danbo artist. "Danbo painted his first masterpiece!"
Family portrait. Now I know Danbo actually has a family like human!
Danbo mouse trap
Family portrait. Now I know Danbo actually has a family like human!
Driving in circles. "Hey Bo? see my new car ne "
Check the eyes. "Today Danbo small to conduct an eye examination. Do not know why, but dad says it's very important. So Danbo hung chart and Mini read the letters. You can read the smallest letters. So his eyes really well. :) "
Truck damaged. "The truck would not move even for me."
Blood fire. "Body of cardboard, heart of steel!"
Fish and beer. "In times of economic recession, the only thing you can really afford is Fish and Beer :) mmmm ... sashimi ..."
Flying kites. Today Danbo tried the kite play, and it looks like he is playing it.
Cruise. "Do not water down, watch giant crab"
Help. Looks beautiful photos & full of emotion.
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